The Blog

If this is your first time here, I'm a romance writer and a misplaced city girl currently living in the wild Sierras.

I tend to have a lot of I-Love-Lucy moments that I share here but sometimes we talk about books, TV, and our favorite cookies. Okay, my favorite cookies. In any case, please feel free to comment by clicking on the Comments at the bottom of any entry. If you're too shy, that's okay, just know I love having you.

Jill Shalvis Jill Shalvis

New Adventures Await!

Guess what? I've got some exciting news to share!

First up, there’s a new member of the Shalvis family, brought by Santa. Meet Hank, aka Hank The Tank, aka Hankeroni! He likes inhaling anything resembling food, eating socks, and causing mayhem… :)

Second … my website got a new update and she’s looking cute! You can find it at I've been working hard to create a space where you can learn more about me, my books, and even get an exclusive sneak peek at upcoming projects.

AND speaking of upcoming projects... drumroll please... Better Than Friends is only two weeks away! I can't wait for you to meet Olive and Noah, old flames who are unhappily reunited — and how ironic is it that the one person she never wanted to see again is the one person who can help her? I love this book SO MUCH! Can't wait for it to be on the shelves! (which, by the way, that's a figure of speech. The book will be available in print, digital, and audio, but if you're a print reader, you'll probably have to order it from an online retailer, sorry for the inconvenience!)

In the meantime, there's also this summer's THE LOVE FIX to look forward to, and the cover is adorable so click on the link and check it out.

I'd love to hear from you! What are you looking forward to reading?

Don't forget to follow me on IG, TikTok and FB for exclusive updates and giveaways!

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Anthony LeDonne Anthony LeDonne

Get ready to swoon…hard

Swooning Ahead Alert, but first …we have first snow in Tahoe! Okay, so it’s third snow, but this time it stuck around.

Back to the swooning. Actually, there are two swoon worthy things! First, it’s that time of year again. Did you know that THE TROUBLE WITH MISTLETOE was made into a movie? Starring this cutie Thomas Beaudoin! 

You can stream it on Amazon ... or at Passionflix (where you do need a subscription but you can signup and unsubscribe at any time!)

And for swoon #2 … look no further than Noah Turner from my book BETTER THAN FRIENDS

From the moment Noah walks onto the page, all big, bad, and sexy as hell, it was game over -- for me AND our heroine Olive. :)

When Olive's off-the-grid parents go missing, she reluctantly seeks out Noah Turner, her ex and the only person she both trusts implicitly and not at all.

As a special investigative agent for the National Park Service, Noah’s used to living under intense pressure. Or he was until he got injured on the job. Now unhappily recuperating at home while being smothered by his loving but nosy family, he’d love nothing more than a good distraction.

So when Olive shows up looking like a million bucks, he has to do a gut and heart check. Because nope, no matter what, he can’t fall for her again, the woman who once blew up his entire life and never looked back. How ironic then that his own personal hell (Olive) is also his ticket out of town. The question is, will the risk be worth the reward?

BETTER THAN FRIENDS is a complete standalone in the Sunrise Cove series (I promise you, each book in this series stands alone, they are connected only by setting, no character cross over).

I’m just going to drop the links right here for your convenience, or in case you want to order yourself a little present and make my day at the same time. :) BETTER THAN FRIENDS is available in print, digital, and audiobook, but if you’re a print reader and usually get your copy in person somewhere, you won’t be able to with this one, you’ll have to order it from your store of preference and have it shipped, so sorry about that!



Oh! Don’t forget, if you want a signed bookplate …

I hope you’re all staying safe and warm. Sending all the holiday wishes and XOXO!

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Anthony LeDonne Anthony LeDonne

Your Next Book Boyfriend … :)

I heard a snowstorm was going to hit, so we hit the beach for one last fall-please-don’t-leave-us pic. 

Gonna miss this! You know, not needing a hat, gloves, long down jacket, boots, and hand warmers. :)  BUT it’s from this very spot that I wrote your next book boyfriend. Have you ever had someone reappear in your life, someone you hadn’t realized you couldn’t live without? BETTER THAN FRIENDS (a stand alone in the Sunrise Cove series) explores that idea, and I can’t wait for you to meet Olive and Noah. And let me just say, Noah … Every day I’d wake up and try to tell him what he was going to be doing on the page that day, and every day he’d do whatever the hell he wanted to do. And yet somehow, he’s STILL my book boyfriend. :) You’ll see… 

For those who love to preorder, I LOVE AND ADORE YOU, and here are your links (keep in mind, you probably won’t find print in Target or Walmart, but you can order your print, digital, or audiobook from any of these links:)




And I’d be totally remiss to not tell you about what’s coming after BETTER THAN FRIENDS. Drum roll please … meet THE LOVE FIX! The final stand alone in the Sunrise Cove series. (the entire series are standalones; can be read in any order)

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Seeking new furry bff…

Please send all your good wishes for Cali — nothing’s wrong with her, we just told her she’s not allowed to sleep under our covers and use our pillows...

Hopefully, she’ll recover…

I’m typing this from my deck, where it’s 87 degrees at 3pm, but I’m sweating bullets because when I got up this morning and dressed, it was:

My body's confused! But I’m powering through it, busy putting the finishing touches on …BETTER THAN FRIENDS!

Like my last book, THE SUMMER ESCAPE, it’ll be available in print, digital, and audio, BUT also like my last book, you will not readily find print copies in stores. Just know that you can order online in any format of your choosing! If you don’t want to miss out, I’m pasting in the links for you to order now.







Hope you’re having a fantastic day, you look MARVELOUS! Also, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my books and supporting my writing habit. XOXO!

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So this happened...

Hey all, it’s been a week! Started out with me accidentally losing my outline that I’d just spent two weeks creating. After lots of tears and a pity party or five, and many, MANY cookies, I was able to recover it with Apple’s help. Whew! So thank you kind sir from another country and time zone. We could barely understand each other, but you didn’t give up and I’m eternally grateful!

And then, this happened. I took this pic from my backyard…

As I write this, the fire is now out, but I have a whole bunch of new gray hairs, and, thanks to the cookie consumption, my yoga pants are too tight... We were on evacuation warning, but thanks to CalFire, US Forestry, and a whole bunch of other agencies, it didn’t come to that. Whew!

And for MORE good news. THE SUMMER ESCAPE is out there for your reading pleasure, a madcap romp romance/mystery that has gotten so many wonderful reviews, I’m still blushing!







OH! And if you’re caught up on my books, how about this —  I’ve got a teaser for next book --  BETTER THAN FRIENDS (a complete STANDALONE in the Sunrise Cove series!)

What do we think? (Please feel free to order now, I've included some links below)







Enjoy the last of your summer! I’d love to hear from you. Catch me on my social  ( Instagram and Facebook ) for more Shalvis shenanigans. XOXO!

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Hi, so last week I was locked out of the house when I wrote my newsletter. This week, I’m happy to report, I’m in the house, but … sitting with a very sick cutie three year old who just coughed in my mouth. So there’s THAT! But the good news is … THE SUMMER ESCAPE, hopefully your next beach read, is finally here!!!!! (sorry about all the ! but I’m a little excited!)

THE SUMMER ESCAPE is a madcap romance/mystery that I wrote while recovering from a wicked bout of long covid. All I wanted was to be outside on some wild adventure, but since I couldn’t do that, I wrote the wild adventure instead. Sometimes, you just gotta improvise. :) To entice you, here's what people are already saying about THE SUMMER ESCAPE:

Two quick things. One, PLEASE buy this one. I mean, I have no problem getting another job. I could work at Taco Bell, I love the food. I could work at Target, I love red shirts. But I’d rather write. :) (fyi, as I’ve mentioned on socials, print readers are going to have a hard time finding this one in actual stores, so you might wanna order your copy online). Digital and audio are of course also available!







Oh, and for those of you interested in posting about my book, or a pic of my book, or want to post this graphic below... if you tag me, ten of you will win the Shalvis backlist book of your choice!

Happy Summer, Happy Reading!!

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It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me…

Hi to my favorite readers! I’m writing to you from my deck, in the middle of a kinda crazy windstorm,  because … I'm locked out. (hence the subject line in this newsletter, sigh) I should probably backup and start with my morning, where I hopped out of bed and stepped (barefoot!) into cat yak. That was fun. Then I accidentally put my box of cereal into the fridge instead of on the shelf. Yes, it could’ve been worse, I could’ve put my almond milk onto the cereal shelf… but I digress. Being locked out isn’t actually my fault. The man who calls himself my husband, “accidentally” locked me out there when he left for work. Thankfully my son in law loves me and he gave up a work call to come save me. All that to say … I got LOTS of writing done today! You are welcome. :)

THE SUMMER ESCAPE. will be here in 13 days!!! A wild, madcap romance/mystery, with the very sexy, mysterious Owen and the smartass, feisty Anna, so I’m hoping you’ll all run not walk to hit one of these buy buttons below for your favorite format (digital, print, audio…) and have THE SUMMER ESCAPE in hand on release day!







The big box stores like Target and Walmart might not have this one, so if by any chance you’re a print reader, you might want to order online so you can have it on release day! Oh and before you all go, I just wanted to say thank you for reading, for being here, for all the support you’ve shown me over the years. It means SO much to me.

 Oh and one last thing, if you’re a KU reader, search for me there, I have a ton of backlist on KU right now.

Happy Reading!

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Hot Off The Press AND a cookie recipe to boot!

Hey there to my favorite readers!! Guess what? It's cookie time to help celebrate my newest book THE SUMMER ESCAPE. Our heroine, Anna Moore, is very busy racing against the clock AND the sexy, enigmatic Owen Harris, so she isn’t baking. Nor is her sister and bff Wendy, but that’s because Wendy's about two years pregnant with triplets. :) BUT if she could see her feet, she would totally bake these. :) (It’s an old Shalvis family friend recipe and to die for)

Let me know how they turn out! :) 

So, are you ready to embark on a new summer read? Order THE SUMMER ESCAPE TODAY! It’s got a little of everything. :)







Also … new giveaway alert! I’d love to hear from you, whether you’ve laughed, cried, or fallen head over heels for any of my characters, would love to hear what makes my books special to you. Share you fave moments, characters, and/or quotes on social media using the hashtag #ShalvisLove, and you could be featured in an upcoming newsletter or social media post. Spread the #ShalvisLove!  (bonus entry if you comment below and let me know where you posted!)

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SNOW? And Shalvis goodies!

The sun is out today in Tahoe and I think spring just showed up (I really hope I didn’t just jinx it!). Now, I know it doesn’t LOOK like spring in this pic of my backyard, but it's supposedly going to warm up and I am here for it.

Oh! Have you ordered my madcap romance/mystery THE SUMMER ESCAPE yet? Unfortunately, you MIGHT have trouble finding this one in stores (I can't control distribution, wish I could), but it WILL be available in print, audio, and digital (you just might have to order print rather than find it in Target and Walmart, because shelf space has shrunk so much, sob!). Anyway, I hope you’ll order and make my day, week, year! Need a tease? Ask and you shall receive…







Oh, and don’t forget, you can get a signed book plate for this one! (or any of my books!)

And last but not least, my publishers have put 30 of my books in Kindle Unlimited! So if you’re a KU reader, please check me out. Go here and click the box next to Kindleunlimited to see all of my KU books.

I’m off to help move snow, eat cookies, and write. And maybe nap. :) Hope you have a fantastic day, you look amazing!

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Laptop death by chocolate and sale news!

This week, after too many many MANY weeks of late snow in Tahoe, we got in the car and drove southwest until we got to the ocean and warmth. Well, kind of. The storm chased us down here, but we woke up to gorgeousness. And the sun! 

It was still a little chilly and I was considering switching careers to professional chocolate eater, but then ... I found the most interesting spot to write, inside this glass dome thingie that was deliciously warm! And so, dear readers, that’s how I came to be writing and eating a chocolate bar. Messily. At home if I drop crumbs, I just blow them away. As one does… But because I seem to have forgotten that the sun can be WARM … these crumbs didn’t blow. So then I tried to swipe them with my finger, but the chocolate had melted you see, into liquid, so all I managed to do was push the now melted chocolate between the keys on the keyboard. And stuck everything together. Hi, my name is Jill, and I’m Walking Chaos… Gah. ANYWAY, I’m here today to share some digital sales! Snatch ‘em up while you can at $1.99!!! Such a deal, right?

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Spring forgets how to spring, and Jill writes a new book…:)

So spring decided she didn’t know how to spring, and then winter showed up again and dumped a foot on us over the weekend. We decided to make lemonade out of lemons. Or, you know, a snowman out of the mess of snow…

Crazy sauce, right? Also crazy … my next book is almost here! I’m so so so excited about THE SUMMER ESCAPE, because not only is it a romance, it’s also a madcap adventure/mystery! Now don’t worry that it’s #6 in the Sunrise Cove series, it’s a complete stand alone, I PROMISE!!! What’s it about? We have strait-laced Anna Moore racing the clock to prove her father’s innocence against enigmatic wild adventurer Owen … the two of them each needing to find the missing treasure for their own reasons. Anna intends to win, AND keep things professional. Only problem? Owen is annoyingly smart and sharp and ... sexy as hell. :) So yeah, good luck, Anna…

The great news? THE SUMMER ESCAPE is available to order now in your favorite format! Plus, by ordering now, you'd make my entire week. :) Hit the link here if you’d like to read the first chapter! Below are the buy links for your convenience.







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Let's Do This!

So ... as you can see by the pic below, I'm hard at work! I actually have a surprise for you. I’m starting a new series! What do you think about a trilogy of three unruly brothers, set in a small town where adventures and shenanigans abound, as well as guaranteed, warm, wonderful happily-ever-afters? :)  Let’s go!

Wait! don’t go yet! I forgot! I got this lovely box of Advanced Reading Copies of my upcoming THE SUMMER ESCAPE! Aren't they pretty?

These babies are going out to reviewers, but I have a few extras to spare. I’m giving them away to some of you, my favorite readers on the planet. So if you’re interested in posting about the book on your socials when the book releases this coming June, please comment below and let me know 1) if you’d want print or digital, and 2) where you’d be posting. If you're interested in making my day and want to preorder, here are the links:







And again, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, for putting my newest book, THE BRIGHT SPOT, on the USAToday bestseller list! It means so much to me to have you all always so enthusiastic about my books. I'm so incredibly grateful to have you!

If you missed getting THE BRIGHT SPOT, no worries, it’s out wide in all formats, wherever books are sold. Here are the links for your convenience.







I almost forgot to tell you! I'll be at RAGT in Cincinnati June 5-8 and would love to see you there! If the event sells out, their signings are still open to the public so you can still come see me!  I'll have swag! Friday, June 7th and Saturday, June 8th between 3pm and 5pm. (Register here for the event). But again, the signings are open to all for free.

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Hello, happy new year! I’ve already written 2023 instead of 2024 a million times. :) And two minutes ago, I wrote The End on a book that I can’t wait to share with you, BUT … (drum roll, please) … THE BRIGHT SPOT is out TODAY in the wild in digital, print, and audio! I'm biting my nails in hopes you all love this one! No one should ever have to change who they are to be loved! A feisty tree farm manager heroine and the annoyingly sexy CPA who makes her want things that she's afraid to believe in!Tropes: Grumpy Sunshine, He Falls First, Secrets, Slow Burn Romance, Enemies To Lovers, Opposites Attract, Work Adversaries, Stuck Together... (below, pic #1: Cali is considering eating The Bright Spot. Note: book is for reading, not eating! :) and pic #2: My copy of The Bright Spot, braving the 4 degrees morning on my deck and she is now requesting a raise...)







And here’s a teasing little line from the book to further entice you…

What do we think? For those of you who will get this one, I’m curious — what format will you read?

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Chicks, Piglets, and Goats oh my!

Sometimes a book idea hits me in the middle of the night and I tell myself DON’T FORGET THIS ONE! But … I almost always do. Well that, or I fumble for my phone and tap in some notes that rarely, in the light of day, make any sense — until THE BRIGHT SPOT! (Up for order now!) But then my entire family went to a fun local farm where we held newborn chicks, fed adorable piglets, and laughed ourselves silly at the antics of the goats climbing on each other.

So when the next night, I dreamed about a similar farm, this one in trouble, run by an underdog, down-on-her-luck heroine and a very sexy CPA who steps in to help, I knew I had to write it.







Luna Wright is a lot of things, but sweet and trusting aren’t on the list. Adopted at birth, with scant knowledge of her biological family, she’s created her own inner circle, a motley crew that helps her run the struggling but charming organic Apple Ridge Farm. 

With a farm-to-table café as well as a menagerie of rescued animals (complete with a baby goat who keeps escaping to the pantry to eat Luna’s secret stash of decidedly not organic potato chips), it’s the best home she’s ever known. So of course things go awry, and the name of most of her troubles turns out to be an enigmatic, annoyingly sexy CPA named Jameson Hayes.

No one should have to change who they are to be loved. That’s not in question. But can Luna dig deep enough to find true strength and the real meaning of love and family? I’ll never tell.

Oh! I nearly forgot! I just got the cover for my other 2024 book release, THE SUMMER ESCAPE.

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Look what I did!

First snow! Did we both almost die in the slippery white stuff? Yes. Did we both eat cookies to celebrate not dying? Also yes.

Oh, and I've got a NEW COVER REVEAL! The Summer Escape! A wild, madcap romance AND a little mystery to boot! 😊This one comes June '24. (But good news, The Bright Spot is ALMOST out, don’t forget to order here. But … isn’t she pretty?

If you wanted to make my day, week, and year, you can order now:







I’m off to finish a chapter. Today I’m writing a scene where my heroine is spying on the hero (she has reasons, they’re three-fold ) and she’s trying to be stealth. She doesn’t know it yet, but he knows she’s there. It wasn’t in my outline, but he insisted on knowing. Some heroes are like that lol. Shenanigans will ensue. Wish me luck.

Also, hope you have a great holiday season! I’m so grateful for each and every one of you!!!


Happy Reading

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Cried at work (who hasn’t?) AND exciting news!

It’s been a week. I wrote — and deleted — a chapter. Twice. I also cried. AND ate a very large bag of bbq chips. #lovemyjob …  BUT I’m not here to whine today (much). I’m SO excited to announce that to celebrate my new book THE BRIGHT SPOT, I’ll be doing a live virtual event on Jan 17, 2024 (how in the world is it almost 2024???), and I want to officially invite each and every one of you to attend. There's no fee required, but you do need to register. AND … my chatting partner will be Tessa Bailey, whose books I love and adore so much. She’s super funny and nice, and we plan to have a great time. SO PLEASE COME!!! Register here: (and you know with THE Tessa Bailey coming, it might fill up, so don’t delay! :) Oh! and for those of you who buy THE BRIGHT SPOT from Blue Willow Bookshop, I signed bunches of a very special bookmarks with a recipe unique to the book, which you’ll receive for free. You can order from them here:

Can’t wait to see you there!!!!  Comment and let me know what you think/feel about events like this and if you might be interested in coming (but that's just me being nosy, please also make sure to register for free at the event link above). 

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My Belated Halloween Scare AND signed books!

So the other day, I was alone in the house when a spider creepy-crawled out from beneath a dresser and ran right at me. I nearly died. DIED, I tell you. And I was barefoot too! My heart's STILL racing. So I promptly called the husband and shrieked WHERE ARE YOU? He had the nerve to be ten minutes away. So I told him to step on it and ten minutes later he found me sitting on a counter, staring at the spider, afraid to look away or it might escape. So… long story short, I made the husband a whole bunch of promises I have no intention of keeping, but the important thing here is that he unalived the spider. Please don’t come for me. I know spiders do good work. I just need them to hide and never show themselves. Ever.

After that stress, I went to the lake. (Well, to be honest, I ate my weight in cookies first) Yes, we’ve had first snow…!

Oh and I nearly forgot! Do you like signed books? Would you want a Shalvis signed book? Turn The Page Bookstore (owned by Nora Roberts!) has my Sunrise Cove series in stock, signed by ME! :) Go grab one for yourself, or as a holiday gift!

Signed Sunrise Cover Novels:

And if you’re looking for what’s up next? I got you! THE BRIGHT SPOT is almost here and up for preorder in your favorite format!

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My Ideal Reader Match

Hey guys!! Several readers recently asked me if they were a good match for my latest, THE SWEETHEART LIST. So I decided to post my ideal reader match for this book here in case you were wondering too!

My ideal reader match for THE SWEETHEART LIST must crave:

  •  Wounded, reluctant heroes

  • Feisty heroines with sass who know what they want

  • Funny, sexy banter

  • Swoony connections and chemistry abounds

  • Guaranteed HEA

  • Bromances too!

  • Found family, community

What to expect if we're compatible:

If we’re compatible, and if you love The Sweetheart List, you’ll want to read the rest of Sunrise Cove (they’re all standalones, can be read in any order), and same goes for my Wildstone series. ( And don’t forget to follow me on and for the crazy life of a city girl now living in the mountains. 😊

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Dear Reader,

 Guess what? THE SWEETHEART LIST is out now! Writing this book felt … hard (the best ones always are hard!) I know I’m probably not supposed to admit that, but I had a prolonged bout with bronchitis and it was a struggle. Until … I realized that all my heroine wanted was a cupcake. Okay, that was me. I wanted a cupcake. 😊 But once I figured out that Harper was a baker at heart and she dreamed of running her own bakery, everything fell into place.

 One of the things that stuck with me in this book … is maybe your life isn’t where you want it to be. Maybe everything’s fallen apart. But that doesn’t mean you can’t fix it. After losing … well, almost everything, Harper purposely sets out to bring joy back into her life, and the moment she decides that, things turn around for her. She and her dog Hambone (I can’t WAIT for you to meet Ham) move 650 miles away, to the last place that brought her joy.

 Lake Tahoe.

 She opens her bakery. Meets a BFF. Saves a runaway teen. And … falls hard for a sexy (and slightly grumpy) guy named Bodie Campbell. But is she brave enough to let everyone in? You’ll have to read the book to find out. 😊 Once you read, come find me either at or, or explore right here in my website and let me know what you think in the comments! Oh, and it's an honor to have you read my books, so thank you from the bottom of my heart! Happy reading!! XOXO, Jill

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